Frequently Asked Questions

Who is your ideal client?

My ideal partner is a high performer who is looking for growth and purpose in their next phase of leadership.  Partners include founders and entrepreneurs looking to grow into leadership, senior leaders and innovators looking to create positive change within large organizations, engineers and product leaders looking to jump into leadership, and committed public servants looking to increase their impact.

How many clients do you work with?

I am growing my practice slowly.  I currently work with 10-15 partners at once so that I can be available and responsive to your needs and we can build trust together as we explore the relationship and commit to your growth and development.

How long does a coaching engagement last?

I start with a 3-month commitment to ensure that we have sufficient time to build a relationship.  After 3 months, engagements are flexible and open ended to meet your needs and see you through your growth aspirations.  I desire a long term relationship beyond the scope of the engagement. 

Do you have a program or system?

I do not have a specific system or methodology, and there is not a silver bullet system to ‘just deploy’.  We will deal with complex issues and I have a number of frameworks and tools in my toolkit to draw from.  I have leveraged methodologies from Co-Active Coaching and the International Coaching Federation, and drawn upon assessments from StrengthsFinder, Enneagram and more.  My goal is to give you a bespoke experience based on your goals, values and experiences.

How do we kick off the relationship?

The simplest way to get started is to get in touch and schedule a Connection call.  If we are able to connect and agree to work together, we’ll begin the engagement with a Discovery Session where we will design our alliance for the engagement and dive in together.  From there, we set a cadence to continue our sessions and build momentum through action.

What's discussed in a Discovery Call? 

Discovery Calls allow us to get to know each other on a deeper level and set the guardrails for the engagement.  It’s designed to help you think about who you are as a holistic leader including your values, allies, aspirations and saboteurs.  The discovery call also anchors the engagement to your commitments.  Charting a course for growth and transformation so that we can assess progress.

How often do we meet?

Typically we meet every other week for dedicated sessions.  In between sessions, you can always text, email or call at your convenience.  I also make myself available for “spot sessions” if you have a specific need in between our regular sessions.  I often have had clients use spot sessions to specifically practice for, observe, or reflect on a specific event to maximize the learning.  I love spot sessions, especially those where we have a chance to share a common experience and see it from different perspectives to increase the learning.  Long story short: I am here for you above and beyond the time we have scheduled.

Where do we meet?

Most sessions are virtual via Google Meet or phone.  Your preference.  I have found that the focus of a direct video or phone call can be more impactful than meeting in person because we can manage your environment more effectively.  That said, I can be available in person as well when convenient, and I do believe that sharing an experience together as a “spot session” is a great way to amplify learning.

How long is a session?

Typically 60 minutes, and there is some flexibility based on your desired topic(s) for the day and your energy for action.  I have had sessions stop short because we agreed with a breakthrough occurrence and we both wanted to see the insights turned into action.  I have also had sessions go long because multiple topics are uncovered and the time to sit and reflect needed to be protected to gain deeper insights.

How much time do I have to invest in coaching?

The harsh truth: You don’t have to invest anything, and I may not be the right coach for you. In those cases, we choose to not engage - or close out - the relationship.  Sometimes an intro call is helpful to reflect on the investment that you want to make.  Get in touch.

My best partnerships are ones where we both are accountable to prepare for sessions and take action from sessions intentionally.  In many cases, our investment is so natural we find ourselves in each other’s heads constantly.  Committed to improving ourselves so that we can improve each other in the sessions. 

What days and times do you coach?

I plan to coach during my working weeks Monday through Friday, 10am to 4pm EST (New York).  I do work with global clients and I will make targeted exceptions to accommodate time differences.

I do block my vacations and I do not schedule sessions during those times.  I am always hopeful that we can see each other on a vacation during or after an engagement for some additional quality time.

I prefer to schedule our sessions out for the engagement and confirm the next session in real time at the end of a session. I share my calendar and I can be very flexible. 

Can you walk me through a typical session?

Each session should be focused on a topic that is important to you at that moment.  You are accountable to bring a topic to the session. As we arrive, there is typically a quick check-in and acknowledgement of our designed alliance - highlighting what may be impacting how we are showing up for the session.  Acknowledgements can include accountability updates, key learnings, progress, or key events to set the stage for the topic.  Most of the time in session is spent focused on the topic(s) you bring. This is your time to dive deep and for us to partner together to uncover new insights and breakthroughs. At the end, we will spend a few minutes summarizing any take-aways, agreements, and accountability to continue to build momentum.

What happens after each session?

In most cases, I share notes from the session including key points, reflections and any agreements created in the session. Agreements often include accountability for action and timing. Reflections include notable quotes, additional thoughts, questions or inquiries for further reflection. 

I often leverage an AI notetaker to ensure that we get the maximum from our sessions.  It also makes follow up very simple. I delete the AI note upon sharing my summary with you.  I do have some clients who do not use the AI tools and we agree to take notes directly.  Use of AI tools is one aspect of our designed alliance that we can agree at the start of the engagement and at the start of each session.

How do you provide accountability outside of the session?

Accountability is an important aspect to any coaching relationship. I can provide accountability based on your needs and desires.  I have had partners request direct follow up for specific action items and others desire to use other allies or hold themselves accountable.  When we agree on your committed actions we will spend time addressing accountability structures as well. 

How else do you help between sessions?

My goal is that we build a long term relationship in the engagement and we connect in many ways to share ideas, provide feedback and support each other.  I will often share books, podcasts, recent news and connections that can help your journey.  As stated above, you’ll have my contact information and I’m available for “spot sessions” as you see fit.

I can also support you with feedback by reviewing your materials - business operations, presentations, communications, etc. as a trusted advisor and friend.  When coaching together, shy from providing consulting services or task execution on your behalf in between sessions. If you desire consulting or work for hire, I we can discuss the scope, and I may be able to help or connect you with many professionals to support.  If you need something, just ask.

How can I provide feedback?

I love feedback.  Feedback can be provided at any time, and I often prompt for feedback at the start or end of a session to ensure we are designing our alliance in the best way possible.  I recommend spending 1 session every 3 months with feedback as a topic for both of us.  These sessions are often the most powerful to level up the relationship.

How long does it take to get results?

It depends.  Many partners feel the benefits during our first session. Early in an engagement, I love it when we confidently accelerate the cycle from insights to action.  Moving into action will drive outcomes, and outcomes can take longer to achieve due to many other factors outside of our control.  That said, I would expect to see outcomes and results in a few months. 

What are your rates?

I charge a monthly retainer rather than a per hour or per session fee.  This provides flexibility to the engagement when we are working together so you don’t have to second guess reaching out to me for anything you need. 

I work with a sliding pricing scale based on our fit and the ability to pay.  I don’t don't let money get in the way if there's a strong fit and desire to work together.  My current average monthly rate is $1,000 per month.