
If you’d like to learn more, feel free to send me an email.


Here’s a few FAQ to check out.

I work to make a long term positive impact on the world. Together we can commit, act, reflect and grow.


I coach CEOs, technologists, team leaders and teams.

Where is your greatest opportunity to grow, as a leader, as a team, as a person? Let's discover that together, and then help you to win. 

In coaching, we focus on building awareness, working at growth edges, retooling strengths that are overplayed, and developing the skills and habits which bring the greatest return in value. 

Who do I work with?

I work with leaders - current and emerging - in the private and public sectors including:

  • CEOs & Entrepreneurs

  • Intrapreneurs and Change Agents in large enterprises

  • Investors and Venture Capitalists

  • Family Offices & Foundations

  • Non-Profit & Community Leaders


  • Climate Tech - Energy, Water, Food

  • Infrastructure - Comms, Transportation, Buildings

  • Tough Tech - Health, Materials, Defense

  • Social Entrepreneurs - Policy, Education
